Oct 17, 2009

Our first entry!!!

We know you wanna be canadian~~ =¬=~

Hi there!!
So, here's the first entry of our blog. Say hello to the magnifique and unique Studio Denki (autographs only at the end of the presentation, sil vous plait)

So, we're like... -thinks- I think three girls, but maybe one or two of us are guys, only God knows ù____u Well, ending this "excursus" (like my Latin teacher used to say), we're three girls: Luli (from Gijón, Asturias), Mika (from Gijón too) and Anvi (from Oviedo, Asturias), the three from Spain (but Anvi's half canadian!! ;____; Heh, Anvi's the one writing right now =3=)

And... we're, liek, totally Hetalia fans~~ Seriously, we all like Hetalia like our own lives (Well, maybe no, but its true that Hetalia is Anvi's life x'D)
(Luli: and mine, too!! ;____;)
(Mika: =¬=)
(Anvi: 'kay, 'kay, but mine more ¬¬)

(Luli: NO FUCKIN' WAY!!!)


(Luli: NO! Do you need the proof¬¬?)

(Anvi: I don't need any fuckig proof to prove that I'm a billion times more Hetalia fan than you. Have you ever writted on an OFFICIAL EXAM WITHOUT DOING IT ON PURPOSE Arthur instead on England? Have you ever shouted something like "Everybody wants to invade Greece's vital regions" while watching a movie with the rest of the class AND your latin teachers? I have ten times more Hetalia AMVs, MADs, images and Doujinshis of Hetalia that you. And I'M a FUCKING kink meme fan, while you don't even know how the fuck find a fic on it. And that's why Canada is the best country evah (?))

(Luli: ... etto... But I love it more ^¬^ And yupp, Canada is the best country ever... after Russia and Germany ^¬^(Spain is full of love, too))

(Anvi: NO FUCKING WAY n___n I've loved it first, i love it more, and I have more post than you in the APHelite forum ¬3¬ And, Mika, stop touching my "lil'" boobs ;____;)

(Mika: *in her own world* Voulez-vous couchez avec moi, ce soir? =¬= *Kankoku and François approved!* juaaaajuaaajuaaas!! *-*)

(Both Anvi and Luli wanted, so after some hard makeup sex...)

Well, we created this account for uploading drawings we make, and some crazy paranoids about, basically, Hetalia, so you call. Hetalia haters will be killed immediately if they dare to traspase the "comment" barrier

Hmmmmh... I think Luli will kill me when she read this... but until then, I'm free!!!!! <'3

(Luli: Why? I think is OK...^////////^)

Thats all I wanted to say. Stay connected for more updates! The next'll be full of drawings, I promise!


And Russia, and South Corea, and Germany, and...